Der CCC-Jahresrückblick … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 120 to 150
Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"P7CNUN": "Karim Hamdi", "LCUBLG": "Katarina Partti"} to {"P7CNUN": "Karim Hamdi", "LCUBLG": "Katarina Partti", "FUGRAB": "Juho Kostet"}
Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Title change from Erpressung aus Fernost - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia to Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia
Duration change from 40 to 30
Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"8AGVWP": "Kliment"} to {"8AGVWP": "Kliment", "RDWW9V": "Morag Hickman"}
Dude, Where's My Crypto? - Real World Impact of Weak Cryptocurrency Keys … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"9PCECD": "John Naulty"} to {"9PCECD": "John Naulty", "QUCG9Y": "Milk Sad team"}
Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"VWTJFD": "Luca Di Bartolomeo"} to {"VWTJFD": "Luca Di Bartolomeo", "JHCRTT": "Rokhaya Fall"}
Blåmba! ☎️ Behind the scenes of a 2000s-style ringtone provider … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 60 to 40
Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Title change from Behind the scenes of a Mobile Virtual Network Operator in Spain to Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain
Vom Betrieb bis ins Netz: Gewerkschaften als Vorbild für modernen Widerstand? … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"Z3PS8T": "Joana Starck"} to {"Z3PS8T": "Joana Starck", "R87WNM": "Laurent Kuffert"}
Gefährliche Meinung – Wenn Wälder brennen und Klimaaktivist*innen im Knast sitzen … detected 12-11-2024 14:00 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"MQAUZD": "Samuel Bosch", "LC7FBD": "Thomas Roth"} to {"MQAUZD": "Samuel Bosch"}
Der CCC-Jahresrückblick … detected 12-11-2024 13:51 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 150 to 120
Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia … detected 12-11-2024 14:07 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 30 to 40
TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst? … detected 12-11-2024 14:57 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"J8CYTJ": "Wouter Bokslag"} to {"J8CYTJ": "Wouter Bokslag", "HD3XAR": "Jos Wetzels"}
KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE … detected 12-11-2024 16:08 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"CFNRMP": "UBERMORGEN"} to {"CFNRMP": "lizvlx & Luzius Bernhard (UBERMORGEN)"}
Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not? … detected 12-11-2024 18:10 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"ZHRT8U": "Rick de Jager"} to {"ZHRT8U": "Rick de Jager", "VVP3K9": "Carlo Meijer"}
KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE … detected 12-11-2024 18:45 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"CFNRMP": "lizvlx & Luzius Bernhard (UBERMORGEN)"} to {"CFNRMP": "Luzius Bernhard (UBERMORGEN)", "X8A9J9": "lizvlx (UBERMORGEN)"}
Euclid, das Weltraumteleskop - 180 Millionen Galaxien sind ein guter Anfang … detected 12-11-2024 21:12 UTC
Changed: Title change from Euclid das Weltraumteleskop - 180 Millionen Galaxien sind ein guter Anfang to Euclid, das Weltraumteleskop - 180 Millionen Galaxien sind ein guter Anfang
From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS … detected 12-11-2024 21:23 UTC
Changed: Title change from From Theory to Practice - How I Learned the Skills to Discover a Pegasus iOS Exploit Chain to From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS
A policy black hole. How Europol and Frontex anticipated their high tech future and why this matters to you. … detected 13-11-2024 02:47 UTC
Changed: Title change from A policy blak hole. How Europol and Frontex anticipated their high tech future and why this matters to you. to A policy black hole. How Europol and Frontex anticipated their high tech future and why this matters to you.
Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support … detected 13-11-2024 10:54 UTC
Changed: Title change from Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support. to Leben im Lager ( EAE,GU,):Wie es ist & wie man unterstützen kann
Duration change from 40 to 60
Security Nightmares … detected 14-11-2024 15:37 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz", "SQZYBX": "Ron"} to {"SQZYBX": "Ron", "FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz"}
We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure … detected 14-11-2024 15:42 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 40 to 60
Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support … detected 14-11-2024 17:18 UTC
Changed: Title change from Leben im Lager ( EAE,GU,):Wie es ist & wie man unterstützen kann to Leben im Lager (EAE, GU): Wie es ist und wie man unterstützen kann
Chatbots im Schulunterricht!? … detected 14-11-2024 18:04 UTC
Changed: Title change from Chatbots im Schulunterricht!? Was können die Tools wirklich, was machen sie mit der “Bildung”, und sollten wir dafür Steuergelder ausgeben? to Chatbots im Schulunterricht!?
Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not? … detected 14-11-2024 18:14 UTC
Changed: Title change from Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine -- Because Why Not? to Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not?
38C3: Opening Ceremony … detected 14-11-2024 18:19 UTC
Changed: Title change from 38C3: Feierliche Eröffnung to 38C3: Half legal instructions
38C3: Return to legal constructions … detected 14-11-2024 18:29 UTC
Changed: Title change from 38C3: Feierliche Verabschiedung to 38C3: Return to legal constructions
corebooting Intel-based systems … detected 14-11-2024 18:34 UTC
Changed: Title change from corebooting Intel-based systems to Corebooting Intel-based systems
"Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"! … detected 14-11-2024 18:49 UTC
Changed: Title change from "Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektonische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"! to "Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"!
Correctiv-Recherche "Geheimplan gegen Deutschland" – 1 Jahr danach … detected 14-11-2024 18:49 UTC
Changed: Title change from Correctiv Recherche "Geheimplan gegen Deutschland" - 1 Jahr danach to Correctiv-Recherche "Geheimplan gegen Deutschland" – 1 Jahr danach
Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung) … detected 14-11-2024 18:49 UTC
Changed: Title change from Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung) to Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung)
Von Augustus bis Trump – Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können … detected 14-11-2024 19:30 UTC
Changed: Title change from Von Augustus bis Trump - Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können to Von Augustus bis Trump – Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können
identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox … detected 14-11-2024 19:40 UTC
Changed: Title change from identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox to identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox
Klimaschädlich by Design – die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes … detected 14-11-2024 20:11 UTC
Changed: Title change from Klimaschädlich by Design - die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes to Klimaschädlich by Design – die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes
Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together … detected 14-11-2024 20:11 UTC
Changed: Title change from Drawing with circuits - creating functional and artistic PCBs together to Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together
corebooting Intel-based systems … detected 14-11-2024 22:02 UTC
Changed: Title change from Corebooting Intel-based systems to corebooting Intel-based systems
38C3: Opening Ceremony … detected 15-11-2024 11:13 UTC
Changed: Title change from 38C3: Half legal instructions to 38C3: Opening Ceremony
Speaker change from {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist"} to {"GLM7BA": "Senficon"}
38C3: Return to legal constructions … detected 15-11-2024 11:18 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {} to {"GLM7BA": "Senficon"}
Dude, Where's My Crypto? - Real World Impact of Weak Cryptocurrency Keys … detected 15-11-2024 15:36 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"9PCECD": "John Naulty", "QUCG9Y": "Milk Sad team"} to {"9PCECD": "John Naulty"}
38C3: Return to legal constructions … detected 16-11-2024 16:52 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"GLM7BA": "Senficon"} to {"GLM7BA": "Senficon", "SB9MER": "Gabriela Bogk"}
38C3: Opening Ceremony … detected 16-11-2024 16:52 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"GLM7BA": "Senficon"} to {"GLM7BA": "Senficon", "SB9MER": "Gabriela Bogk"}
Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar … detected 16-11-2024 17:27 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"LPFEDA": "Matthias Marx", "XXQZRD": "Kai Biermann"} to {"LPFEDA": "kantorkel", "XXQZRD": "Kai Biermann"}
Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support … detected 16-11-2024 18:28 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 60 to 40
Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience … detected 16-11-2024 20:35 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"P7CNUN": "Karim Hamdi", "LCUBLG": "Katarina Partti", "FUGRAB": "Juho Kostet"} to {"P7CNUN": "Karim Hamdi", "LCUBLG": "Katarina Partti"}
Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern … detected 18-11-2024 11:22 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"3UXDLB": "Sebastian Meineck", "RK8CFH": "Ingo Dachwitz"} to {"3UXDLB": "Sebastian Meineck", "RK8CFH": "Ingo Dachwitz", "LJYRNG": "Katharina Brunner"}
Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience … detected 18-11-2024 14:25 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"P7CNUN": "Karim Hamdi", "LCUBLG": "Katarina Partti"} to {"P7CNUN": "Karim Hamdi", "LCUBLG": "Katarina Partti", "FUGRAB": "Juho Kostet"}
Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange … detected 18-11-2024 16:52 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"QHMATE": "Andrei Molodkin"} to {"QHMATE": "Andrei Molodkin", "FVQTWA": "Arianna Mondin"}
KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE … detected 18-11-2024 17:37 UTC
Changed: Title change from Klarheit als Akt des Widerstands (Radikaler Universalismus) to KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE, Subver
KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE … detected 18-11-2024 17:42 UTC
Changed: Title change from KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE, Subver to KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE (Subversive Affirmation)
KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE … detected 18-11-2024 17:52 UTC
Changed: Title change from KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE (Subversive Affirmation) to KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE
KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE … detected 19-11-2024 09:13 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"CFNRMP": "Luzius Bernhard (UBERMORGEN)", "X8A9J9": "lizvlx (UBERMORGEN)"} to {"CFNRMP": "Luzius Bernhard", "X8A9J9": "lizvlx (UBERMORGEN)"}
Pyrotechnik – ist doch kein Verbrechen!? … detected 19-11-2024 12:56 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"AFAGHN": "felix", "WCRMDZ": "Bijan Salari"} to {"AFAGHN": "felix", "WCRMDZ": "bijan"}
Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Zugriffen schützen … detected 19-11-2024 13:06 UTC
Changed: Title change from Leaving moral highgrounds: Netzwerk-Security gegen ideologische Angriffe to Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Übergriffen schützen
From Silicon to Sovereignty: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance … detected 19-11-2024 18:46 UTC
Changed: Title change from EUV Lithography and the Race for AGI: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance to EUV Lithography: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance
Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Zugriffen schützen … detected 19-11-2024 20:28 UTC
Changed: Title change from Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Übergriffen schützen to Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Zugriffen schützen
Automation and Empathy: Can We Finally Replace All Artistic Performers with Machines? … detected 20-11-2024 17:43 UTC
Changed: Title change from Automating Empathy - Can We Finally Replace Artistic Performers with Machines? to Automation and Empathy: Can We Finally Replace All Artistic Performers with Machines?
Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries … detected 20-11-2024 21:21 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"VWTJFD": "Luca Di Bartolomeo", "JHCRTT": "Rokhaya Fall"} to {"VWTJFD": "Luca Di Bartolomeo (cyanpencil)", "JHCRTT": "Rokhaya Fall"}
Pyrotechnik – ist doch kein Verbrechen!? … detected 21-11-2024 13:30 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 40 to 60
Unveiling the Mysteries of Qualcomm’s QDSP6 JTAG: A Journey into Advanced Theoretical Reverse Engineering … detected 21-11-2024 17:34 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"PAW3BL": ""} to {"PAW3BL": "Alisa Esage"}
corebooting Intel-based systems … detected 21-11-2024 20:56 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 45 to 40
How to Spec - Fun with dinosaurs … detected 22-11-2024 07:45 UTC
Changed: Title change from [Platzhalter] How to Spec - Fun with the uncertainties of the fossil record to How to Spec - Fun with the uncertainties of the fossil record
Kein Spaß am Gerät auf einem toten Planeten! … detected 23-11-2024 13:34 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"WBR9DA": "-"} to {"BTRVPF": "Rainer Rehak", "SUNSUE": "-"}
Kein Spaß am Gerät auf einem toten Planeten! … detected 23-11-2024 16:17 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"BTRVPF": "Rainer Rehak", "SUNSUE": "-"} to {"BTRVPF": "Rainer Rehak", "SUNSUE": "Anja H\u00f6fner"}
Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity … detected 23-11-2024 19:39 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak"} to {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak", "NQUDXV": "-"}
Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024 … detected 23-11-2024 22:47 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 60 to 90
38C3: Opening Ceremony … detected 23-11-2024 22:57 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 40 to 30
Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support … detected 24-11-2024 10:52 UTC
Changed: Title change from Leben im Lager (EAE, GU): Wie es ist und wie man unterstützen kann to Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support
Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32 … detected 24-11-2024 11:12 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"8W79RK": "Frostie314159"} to {"8W79RK": "Frostie314159", "VEYXPB": "-"}
"Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"! … detected 24-11-2024 11:17 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich"} to {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich", "MHLNJ7": "-"}
Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32 … detected 24-11-2024 11:17 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"8W79RK": "Frostie314159", "VEYXPB": "-"} to {"8W79RK": "Frostie314159", "VEYXPB": "Jasper Devreker"}
"Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"! … detected 24-11-2024 11:32 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich", "MHLNJ7": "-"} to {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich"}
"Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"! … detected 24-11-2024 11:37 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich"} to {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich", "MHLNJ7": "-"}
Lightning Talks Day 2 … detected 24-11-2024 11:42 UTC
Changed: Title change from Lightningtalks Talks Day 2 to Lightning Talks Day 2
"Von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt "für alle"! … detected 24-11-2024 12:53 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich", "MHLNJ7": "-"} to {"QZDXQZ": "Martin Tschirsich", "MHLNJ7": "Bianca Kastl"}
Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange … detected 24-11-2024 12:58 UTC
Changed: Title change from "Dead Man’s Switch" - Destroying Art as Art to Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange
Die Faszination des echten Kugelspiels … detected 24-11-2024 14:09 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 60 to 40
Wir wissen wo dein Auto steht! … detected 24-11-2024 14:50 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"DQJKLT": "Fl\u00fcpke"} to {}
How to Spec - Fun with dinosaurs … detected 24-11-2024 16:57 UTC
Changed: Title change from How to Spec - Fun with the uncertainties of the fossil record to How to Spec - Fun with dinosaurs
Kein Spaß am Gerät auf einem toten Planeten! … detected 24-11-2024 17:12 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"BTRVPF": "Rainer Rehak", "SUNSUE": "Anja H\u00f6fner"} to {"SUNSUE": "Anja H\u00f6fner"}
Der Thüring-Test für Wahlsoftware … detected 24-11-2024 17:22 UTC
Changed: Duration change from 60 to 40
From Silicon to Sovereignty: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance … detected 24-11-2024 17:22 UTC
Changed: Title change from EUV Lithography: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance to From Silicon to Sovereignty: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance
5 Jahre nach Ibiza … detected 24-11-2024 17:27 UTC
Changed: Title change from Nach Ibiza to 5 Jahre nach Ibiza
Wir wissen wo dein Auto steht! … detected 24-11-2024 18:28 UTC
Changed: Title change from Car, I Am Digital to Wir wissen wo dein Auto steht!
Speaker change from {} to {"S8XRGX": "Michael Kreil"}
Der CCC-Jahresrückblick … detected 24-11-2024 22:11 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist"} to {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist", "H9GEPE": "khaleesi", "MZXSRS": "Linus Neumann", "LPFEDA": "kantorkel", "FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz"}
Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch … detected 25-11-2024 10:41 UTC
Changed: Title change from Illegal instructions by legals to Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch
Implantable Cardiac Devices - Security and Data Accessibility … detected 26-11-2024 00:52 UTC
Changed: Title change from Security of Implantable Cardiac Devices to Implantable Cardiac Devices - Security and Data Accessibility
Vectors, Pixels, Plotters and Public Participation … detected 28-11-2024 13:07 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"CYESEX": "Niklas Roy"} to {"CYESEX": "Niklas Roy a.k.a. royrobotiks"}
Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung) … detected 29-11-2024 08:18 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"7XJF99": ""} to {"7XJF99": "Johannes Bernstein"}
Der CCC-Jahresrückblick … detected 30-11-2024 18:24 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist", "H9GEPE": "khaleesi", "MZXSRS": "Linus Neumann", "LPFEDA": "kantorkel", "FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz"} to {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist", "LPFEDA": "kantorkel", "H9GEPE": "khaleesi", "MZXSRS": "Linus Neumann", "FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz"}
0, 1 oder 2 - Hackerei und Cyberbrei … detected 01-12-2024 12:23 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"MF7ZLU": "anna"} to {"MF7ZLU": "anna", "RLN8QE": "Erisvision"}
0, 1 oder 2 - Hackerei und Cyberbrei … detected 01-12-2024 12:33 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"MF7ZLU": "anna", "RLN8QE": "Erisvision"} to {"RLN8QE": "Erisvision"}
Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity … detected 03-12-2024 05:06 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak", "NQUDXV": "-"} to {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak", "NQUDXV": "Florence"}
"Natürlich bin ich 18!" - Altersprüfungen im Netz aus Datenschutzperspektive … detected 04-12-2024 19:42 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"XGHZ8X": "Aline Sylla", "MU3XPH": "Carsten Adrian"} to {"XGHZ8X": "Aline Sylla", "MU3XPH": "Dr. Carsten Adrian"}
A Competitive Time-Trial AI for Need for Speed: Most Wanted Using Deep Reinforcement Learning … detected 05-12-2024 07:35 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"CTUZKV": "Sebastian Schwarz"} to {"CTUZKV": "Sebastian \"Schw4rz\" Schwarz"}
Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen … detected 06-12-2024 08:46 UTC
Changed: Title change from Das IFG ist tot to Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen
Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity … detected 06-12-2024 16:09 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak", "NQUDXV": "Florence"} to {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak", "NQUDXV": "Florence Devereux"}
Die Geschlechter denen die sie hacken: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Pinke Listen, Überwachungsstaat … detected 06-12-2024 17:05 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"MD7VMQ": "Jyn, Luce und Zoe f\u00fcr die Queerokratie"} to {"MD7VMQ": "Jyn", "VCSD3Y": "Nephthys", "GJAZWP": "Luce deLire"}
identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox … detected 06-12-2024 17:15 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"X8XC9U": "Alexej Hock"} to {"X8XC9U": "Alexej Hock", "G8LSV9": "-"}
Kein Spaß am Gerät auf einem toten Planeten! … detected 06-12-2024 18:32 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"SUNSUE": "Anja H\u00f6fner"} to {"BTRVPF": "Rainer Rehak", "SUNSUE": "Anja H\u00f6fner"}
identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox … detected 06-12-2024 23:06 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"X8XC9U": "Alexej Hock", "G8LSV9": "-"} to {"X8XC9U": "Alexej Hock", "G8LSV9": "Max Bernhard"}
Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch … detected 09-12-2024 09:43 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"JZLQSQ": "Vivian", "HSY7UP": "Vera Keller"} to {"JZLQSQ": "Vivian", "HSY7UP": "Vera Magali Keller"}
Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support … detected 10-12-2024 12:01 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"VSZDUH": "Hafid"} to {"VSZDUH": "Hafid Shaaib"}
Der Milliarden-Steuerraub Cum/Ex – wie schädlich ist Wirtschaftskriminalität für unsere Gesellschaft? … detected 10-12-2024 13:22 UTC
Changed: Title change from Platzhalter Finanzwende to Der Milliarden-Steuerraub Cum/Ex – wie schädlich ist Wirtschaftskriminalität für unsere Gesellschaft?
Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity … detected 12-12-2024 15:35 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak", "NQUDXV": "Florence Devereux"} to {"Z3KHUM": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak"}
Clay PCB … detected 12-12-2024 18:28 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"BU8FCC": "Patr\u00edcia J. Reis"} to {"BU8FCC": "Patr\u00edcia J. Reis", "Z7NCVT": "-"}
Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity … detected 16-12-2024 14:35 UTC
Changed: Title change from Postpartum Punk: make space for unhinged creativity to Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity
Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar … detected 19-12-2024 13:25 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"LPFEDA": "kantorkel", "XXQZRD": "Kai Biermann"} to {"LPFEDA": "Matthias Marx", "XXQZRD": "Kai Biermann"}
Der CCC-Jahresrückblick … detected 19-12-2024 13:25 UTC
Changed: Speaker change from {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist", "LPFEDA": "kantorkel", "H9GEPE": "khaleesi", "MZXSRS": "Linus Neumann", "FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz"} to {"VJ3ZVS": "erdgeist", "LPFEDA": "Matthias Marx", "H9GEPE": "khaleesi", "MZXSRS": "Linus Neumann", "FCLVFD": "Constanze Kurz"}